When it becomes clear that your debts have accumulated beyond your ability to repay them, bankruptcy offers a way out and a fresh financial start. With a Chapter 7 liquidation, your nonexempt property is sold and used to pay off your debts; any remaining debt is discharged by the bankruptcy court, and you are no longer responsible for it. Not all debts are dischargeable in bankruptcy, however, such as child or spousal support, tax liens, and certain student loans. Not all of your assets have to be sold, either. The law provides many exemptions allowing you to keep many of your personal possessions and necessities of life. Our office can evaluate your situation and let you know how a Chapter 7 proceeding will work for you and impact your current circumstances.
Another option is a Chapter 13 proceeding. While a Chapter 13 bankruptcy does not wipe away your debt like a Chapter 7, it does put an end to multiple debt collection efforts by requiring your creditors to submit to a court-approved payment plan. This plan, known as a wage earner's plan, will restructure your finances to allow you to pay off your debt over three to five years. We can counsel you as to whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is the best option for you, or if some alternative to bankruptcy may be better suited to your financial situation. Ellis Law is proud to be a Debt Relief Agency helping people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.